
SBS featured by BBB Wise Giving Alliance

SBS featured by BBB Wise Giving Alliance

Street Business School is honored to be featured in a publication by Give.org, the BBB Wise Giving Alliance in “Advancing Collaboration with Street Business School . The BBB Wise Giving Alliance works with charities to strengthen donor trust in the charitable sector.

“In addition to its direct service program in Uganda, SBS uses a model of social franchising to scale. It partners with NGOs to create social franchises, train, and certify them to work with the communities and ultimately implement SBS programs. To date, it has 66 franchises across Africa. For advice for the nonprofit sector, Tifany encourages organizations to look at the root
causes of the problems they are trying to solve. Different problems may have common causes that can be better approached through collaborative initiatives that may not necessarily have the same mission.”

Read full report here