
Meet Proscovia: Turning Idle Days into Shop Ownership Success

Meet Proscovia: Turning Idle Days into Shop Ownership Success

Meet Proscovia Nankabirwa, a joyful 69-year-old woman. Before Proscovia joined the SBS entrepreneurship training program, she “had a small shop which had been stagnant for a long time. [She] did not know how much profit or loss it was making.” 

She learned about the training program from a community member who informed her about the available program for women, and Proscovia eagerly joined. “I was happy to register for the program because I wanted the coaches to tell me why my business was not growing.” 

During the training program, the topic of savings was her favorite. “I love the savings topic because I did not know anything about savings. The money I made; I did not take off some to save. I would just use it all,” Proscovia confessed. 

After graduating from the program, she applied all the knowledge she had learned and reinvented her business. 

Today, Proscovia has expanded her shop and sells various things like jackfruit, watermelon, matooke, spices, cassava, sweet potatoes, and more. She makes a profit of $7.99 every day. Proscovia is part of a savings group, putting away $2.66 every Friday. In her own words, she says, “Street Business School opened my eyes. I now run a successful business.” 

Proscovia uses most of her profits to take care of her home and pay bills like electricity and water. “I don’t like depending on my children; I am happy that I can now afford anything I want,” she shared. 

Proscovia’s story is a simple and inspiring example of how learning essential business skills can transform struggles into success, showing that it is never too late to achieve prosperity. 

To support more women, like Proscovia, please visit www.StreetBusinessSchool.org/give.  

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