
end poverty Tag

Help us end STRONG! Our fiscal year is coming to a close and I personally want to ask for your help to end this year STRONG. With your support, we can continue to strengthen lives across the African continent and beyond. Our goal is to raise...

Nagitta Prossy: I am strong because I work hard, and through SBS, have learned how to run a successful business selling boiled corn. I am a single mother of four children, who can now provide them with milk, eggs and a future – depositing their school...

Life Lessons Living abroad is one of the most powerful teachers I’ve ever known.  You’re far from home, friends and most family members, and there’s a new culture and possibly a new language. And, if you’re moving to a country like Uganda, there’s a standard of...

The Trip A mother's wish: My daughter Megan and I recently went to Uganda to experience firsthand the incredible work being done by Street Business School (SBS).  It was so special to take this trip with Megan because we have both been involved with BeadforLife/Street Business...

Measuring Facts ~ For more than a decade of my career, I have been a nonprofit fundraiser. So, when I was presented the opportunity to join Street Business School (SBS) in Uganda this year, I came with the critical eye of a development professional. I...

Gender Balance: Every year on March 8, International Women’s Day serves as a celebration of everything women achieve and a call-to-action for advancing gender parity. This year’s theme, Balance for Better, calls on business, government and civil society to build a gender-balanced world—and it extends...

Sex trafficking is one of the worst tragedies occurring in the 21st century. Studies show that modern slavery is more prevalent today than during the Transatlantic Slave Trade’s most prolific years. The most common figures estimate there are 45.8 million people currently enslaved worldwide. 1 Of...

The quest for financial sustainability is in danger of becoming an unhealthy trend in which earned income is assumed to be the gold standard for all philanthropic work. Funders understandably want to know when their funding will no longer be needed. But for some funders...