
Author: Natasha Farzad

Diana Namutebi, 28, has always been an organized woman. She takes good care of her home and business and always presents herself in a neat fashion. She had dreamed of opening a vegetable stall business, and was passionate about this being an opportunity to better...

Our staff, partners and ambassadors carry out our dedicated work through the guidelines of love, justice, celebration, education, dignity, inclusion and more. Join us in our mission and explore our pillars—which we call our Core Values. WE LEAD WITH LOVE We value the richness of human connection...

Esther Muhiibwe, 34, always possessed strength, as she worked hard selling timber to improve the lives of her family. While she worked tirelessly, the business wasn’t bringing in her desired income. Esther, always thinking creatively, tried moving to a new location nearby a fishing site...