
From Teacher to Entrepreneur: Meet Flavia Mirembe

From Teacher to Entrepreneur: Meet Flavia Mirembe

Flavia Mirembe is a 36-year-old, vibrant and positive mother of three, who used what she learned from Street Business School (SBS) to build several businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A teacher by profession, living in Matugga, Flavia left her position in March 2020 when local schools were closed due to COVID-19. At the time she was earning about $81 per month but she was unable to save or invest due to her expenses. After staying at home for several weeks, she decided to help her neighbor with the rearing of her 50 chickens. Over time, she developed more skills in animal rearing.

One night, her neighbor told her that there were “some ladies” who were registering women to participate in business trainings by phone – the SBS Remote Learning Lab. Flavia decided to give these trainings a try. After 10 weeks of remote training, Flavia realized she could start rearing her own livestock and that saving as little as $0.50 was enough to start building toward her dreams.

Using her savings, Flavia, bought a goat, which soon multiplied to a dozen goats. She also purchased 80 broiler chickens and 50 Kuroiler chickens that she rears in a small room in her home. In addition to her livestock, Flavia also purchased a 3,000 liter tank that she uses to harvest rain water.  Her profits from selling chickens earn her approximately $28 USD per season and she earns $5 – $8 USD in profits for each tank of water she sells.

She recently welcomed a healthy baby boy and is so grateful for her SBS coaches and the opportunities that she has created for herself by implementing what she has learned.

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