

Measuring Facts ~ For more than a decade of my career, I have been a nonprofit fundraiser. So, when I was presented the opportunity to join Street Business School (SBS) in Uganda this year, I came with the critical eye of a development professional. I...

Gender Balance: Every year on March 8, International Women’s Day serves as a celebration of everything women achieve and a call-to-action for advancing gender parity. This year’s theme, Balance for Better, calls on business, government and civil society to build a gender-balanced world—and it extends...

Sex trafficking is one of the worst tragedies occurring in the 21st century. Studies show that modern slavery is more prevalent today than during the Transatlantic Slave Trade’s most prolific years. The most common figures estimate there are 45.8 million people currently enslaved worldwide. 1 Of...

When I went through the list of books and articles that I read last year, I had no idea how I was going to choose the top five. It took time, but I did narrow it down. While the following “top reads” seem vastly different...

The quest for financial sustainability is in danger of becoming an unhealthy trend in which earned income is assumed to be the gold standard for all philanthropic work. Funders understandably want to know when their funding will no longer be needed. But for some funders...

The nonprofit Street Business School has been teaching Ugandan women how to launch their own businesses for more than a decade. Its programming has already reached more than 60,000 people, who increased their incomes by an average of 211 percent by starting small, locally-based businesses....

Franchising can go beyond cheeseburgers and coffee shops. A growing number of social enterprises believe this powerful business model can help them change the world.  Companies use franchising to achieve scale. By licensing their knowledge, business model and brand to third parties, franchises expand faster than...

By Devin Hibbard I was honored to present at the Sankalp Africa Forum about how organizations can stay relevant in this rapidly changing world of #GlobalDevelopment, #PovertyEradication and #SocialEnterprise. I shared the following Top 5 Tips for Staying Relevant gleaned from more than a decade with BeadforLife...